Swtor sharpshooter 4.0
Swtor sharpshooter 4.0

This means abilities like Series of Shots Orbital Strike, Suppresive Fire, and Shield Probe are automatically given to you once you commit to an advanced class (in this case, Snipers)

swtor sharpshooter 4.0

Instead, you are given a set amount of basic Sniper skills to start.

swtor sharpshooter 4.0

The difference is that you no longer need to purchase skills with credits. Pre 3.0, you had to level and buy skills in order to become a viable Sniper.

Swtor sharpshooter 4.0 full#

With 3.0's new Discipline system, you will be optimized to full capacity. From the safety of cover, the Marksmanship Snipe ambushes the enemy and follows up with an encore of penetrating blasts that make extra sure the Sniper's job is done" - Marksmanship Lore 3.0 "One perfect shot has the potential to change everything, and no one is more precise than the Marksmanship Sniper. I like to thank Thrax for his efforts, and therefore would like to credit him for his input. They have gotten World 1st Dread Guards (pre-nerf) with Nightmare Terror from Beyond as well as World 1st Nightmare Scum and Villainy. For those who don't know, is one of the best world class progression guilds hailing from The Red Eclipse server in European regions. He has helped me with a few edits for this guide, and provided his intel on the Marksmanship spec. I would also like to introduce my fellow Sniper, Thraxara of. I hope this new guide will be of great use for people who are looking to optimize their new rotations in 3.0 or for people who are looking to re-roll to this awesome class. Since then, I have learned from the best Marksmanship Snipers of the game, and have gotten to where I wanted to be.

swtor sharpshooter 4.0

I previously mained a Mercenary since launch, but have re-rolled to my Sniper in 2.2 where I have fallen in love with the Marksmanship spec. I have cleared 5/5 DF and 4/5 DP with Intrepid Republic Side, and have finished off the Dread Council (as well as obtaining Gate Crasher and Dread Master) with Zorz Imperial Side. My in-game toon name is Lumyne, my Sniper Imperial Side (or Prompto, my Gunslinger Republic Side). I am Shulk, a member of and a former raider of.

Swtor sharpshooter 4.0